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(647) 478-6144

Safeguard and enhance the functionality of your Wi-Fi

Our professional expertise and range of practical solutions can help you ensure your Wi-Fi network's security while improving its overall value.

Design captive portals that adhere to Hotspots regulations and gather data from Wi-Fi service users.

Try Hotspot Manager Free

Provide Wi-Fi users with a unique and superior experience.

Centralized Administration

Manage all your hotspots from a secure and unified platform

Efficiently manage multiple Wi-Fi hotspots through a unified platform. Create various types of Wi-Fi connections, whether free, paid or social. Our system lets you monetize your WI-Fi hotspots and engage users through video ads and marketing campaigns, ensuring seamless connectivity and enhanced customer engagement at all times.

Customizable Welcome Portal

Optimized user experience

Ensure seamless accessibility for your clients with a fully customized welcome page that directs them to the internet. Make every aspect of your guest Wi-Fi unique to your brand and offer a personalized experience. Our user-friendly welcome portal management system allows anyone to modify the portal without prior web development expertise.

Wi-Fi Monetization

Connect, Engage, Monetize

Our solution lets you turn your Wi-Fi network into a revenue-generating machine. Our platform allows you to offer Wi-Fi access to your customers while also serving them targeted ads and promotions. You'll be able to provide a seamless browsing experience while generating additional revenue for your business.

Our solution is easy to set up and manage and customizable to fit your business needs. You'll have access to real-time analytics and reporting to track the success of your Wi-Fi monetization efforts and make data-driven decisions.

In addition, our solution is fully compliant with data privacy regulations, so you can rest assured that your customer's information is safe and secure.

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